Ohio Fishing Education
Ohio Fishing Education is a brand offering a one-stop shop for all fishing education needs. The brand has a strong focus on helping beginners learn how to fish and become more confident in their abilities and helping experienced fishers find new ways to improve their skills.
Graphic Design
Web Design — Print Design — Logo Design — Branding
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Fishing is a nostalgic activity for most, passed down by older generations as a fun event when camping or on an outing. Ohio Fishing Education is creating one of the first one-stop educational resources on fishing.
The website collects resources, including licensing, regulations, and species conservation. It also holds tools for species identification and location. Find the next fishing trip with the state park location tool.
When you look up fishing, hundreds of blogs and consumer websites have information about fishing. They talk about fishing in saltwater and freshwater, fishing in the deep ocean, and their backyard ponds. If you’re in Ohio, where are you going to go? Ohio Fishing Education has the necessary information.
The website and social media combine information about tackle, gear, and over 160 species of fish in Ohio waterways.
A majority of amateurs, hobbyists, and professionals fish at State Parks. Explorers of State Parks often visit the Visitor Centers, park shops, and marine buildings, taking pamphlets to learn, read, and explore with information in their hands.
Grab a pamphlet on the way to the waters at a marina or park office. Find ways to catch the most common fish in the park.
Inspired by years of fishing with friends and family, the brand was built to be an educational resource for those who don’t have the luxury of learning from a mentor. The colors and visuals are warm and fluid, inspired by the early mornings and darkening nights of watching the water and hearing the waves crash against the banks and shores. It’s a reminder of being in the moment of fishing.
Filled with warmth and an educational voice, they have a lively, almost parental tone. Ohio Fishing Education is a digital educational resource for those living in Ohio.
Mission: Give educational information to fishers and hobbyist anglers while supporting Ohio State Parks fishing.
Vision: Being an educational support for beginner anglers to sportsmen.
Values: Education, Joy, Accountability, Compassion, Leadership